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The Write Stuff

Anand Raj OK's very own passion project

Welcome to my virtual world where I have put together a collection of my works and some thoughts on just about everything under the sun... and occasionally beyond it.

The Cream of the Crop


Think about death: Dasho Karma Ura reveals a nation's secret to happiness

Dasho Karma Ura, a Bhutanese expert on happiness, tells why walking for a few minutes in a forest, doing community activities and enjoying a good night’s sleep every day can improve your happiness levels tremendously. And, oh yes, thinking about death too.

Leadership expert Robin Sharma: Failure is nothing but growth in wolf’s clothing

Bestselling author, motivational speaker, and life coach offers tips on how to succeed


Was Akbar truly great? Ira Mukhoty’s new book sheds light on the enigmatic ruler

Ira Mukhoty, author of Akbar, The Great Muhghal – The Definitive Biography, tells of the ruler's legacy and bond he shared with his Brahmin courtier Birbal


About Me

Anand Raj OK

With nearly three decades of experience in writing and editing, I am humbled to have had the opportunity to contribute to the field of journalism, particularly within the dynamic landscape of Dubai. My journey has taken me through various roles, including Editor, Features Editor, and Feature Writer at Friday magazine, an esteemed publication associated with Gulf News.

Throughout my career, I've found immense joy in conducting interview-based features. There's something truly special about delving into the stories of individuals from all walks of life. From bestselling authors to Nobel laureates, scientists to C-suite executives, and even ordinary people with extraordinary tales, each interview has been a unique and enriching experience.

I am deeply grateful for the recognition and awards that have come my way, but I believe that the true essence of journalism lies in capturing the essence of human stories and sharing them with authenticity and integrity. It's a privilege to be able to shed light on the diverse perspectives and experiences that make up our world.

As I continue on this journey, I am committed to remaining curious, empathetic, and dedicated to the craft of storytelling. There's always more to learn, more stories to uncover, and I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead in this ever-evolving field.


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